Monday, April 29, 2013

We were able to spend some time working on the high tunnel on Sunday.  First thing we did was to set up the transit so we could shoot grade and find out what areas we needed to bring in more soil to bring it up to a level grade.  I knew we did not have a level site yet, but I didn't know we had a 25" drop from the highest point (NE corner) to the lowest point (SW corner), wow, a lot more than I figured.  So I spent most of the day Sunday on the tractor cutting the NE corner down a little and bringing up the rest of it.  Now we have a 6" drop across the 100' of the diagonal on the 96'x30' high tunnel.  We will pound the ground posts in so they are all the same height and that will keep our 2x6 baseboard level, then we can fill in inside the tunnel to bring the ground level up to grade.

We ended the day by squaring the perimeter and setting the ground posts at the four corners and then we started setting the ground posts along the East side, we have a total of 8 of the 50 posts in the ground, they look pretty small in the picture.  I am going to be busy with work for the rest of this week, but hopefully we can get back out next Saturday and set the remaining 42 ground posts.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Today was the first day that I had available to work on the high tunnel since we took delivery on Thursday but the weather said "No.", so I will enjoy the snow day and start on the high tunnel this upcoming week.

We took delivery of our high tunnel on Thursday and I have been too busy to turn on the computer until this morning, so here are the pictures that I took on Thursday.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Great news!  Just found out that we will be getting the high tunnel delivered on Thursday, April 18th.  This is sooner than I expected, so I have to step up the progress on the site prep.  I will post pictures once we get started putting the high tunnel up.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Not much has changed, we are still expecting the high tunnel to be delivered around the end of this month or beginning of May.  We did get the wildlife fence up last weekend so when we do get some produce growing it doesn't get eaten by the deer.